Hashnode as your CMS for building a static blog
Aug 25, 2024

Hashnode as your CMS for building a static blog

Recently, I have made a Hashnode Tailwind DaisyUI starter for NextJS


The starter is designed to be published as a static site which is ideal for SEO and serves the purpose of a blogging site.

Feature: switching between DasiyUI themes

With the use of DaisyUI, you can easily switch to another pre-built theme from DasiyUI, currently, the site uses the "light" theme as the light mode theme and the "sunset" theme as the dark mode theme


By editing the tailwind.config.js

daisyui: {
    themes: [
        light: {
          // Change this to the theme you want as the light theme
          "--code-snippet": "#FBF1C7",
        dark: {
          // Change this to the theme you want as the dark theme
          "--code-snippet": "#282828",

Feature: rebuild automatically when there is change on your Hashnode posts

On Netlify

For example, you can follow the steps here to register for a new webhook on Netlify.

On Hashnode

  1. Goto Blog dashboard -> webhook -> add new webhook

  2. Tick the trigger events you want, in my case, I ticked all post-related trigger

  3. Paste in the webhook URL you've got from Netlify

Whenever a blog post published / updated / deleted, a new build is triggered

That's it, enjoy!

Don't forget to set the canonical URL on your post when you publish it on Hashnode.

Written by: Kwinten
Node.js, JavaScript, Cloud computing, Serverless and more