Generate release notes with customized issue prefixes and url format when using Semantic release
Apr 23, 2021

Generate release notes with customized issue prefixes and url format when using Semantic release

When trying to generate release notes with semantic-release, it is assuming you are using the angular commit message format.

It expects your commit messages are using # as the issue prefix format and referencing the issue URL ${YOUR_REPO_BASE_URL}/issues/${ISSUE_NUMBER_AFTER '#'}

So as an example, if you have Fix #12 in your commit message. Your release note would generate a link like this

Fix #12.

In case you are using Azure DevOps or Jira for issue tracking, you can customize the semantic release config as below:


  1. Create a .releaserc in the project root directory

  2. Put in below content

  "plugins": [  
    ["@semantic-release/commit-analyzer", {  
      "preset": "conventionalcommits"  
    ["@semantic-release/release-notes-generator", {  
      "preset": "conventionalcommits",  
      "presetConfig": {  
        "issuePrefixes": ['AB#'],  
        "issueUrlFormat": '${REPLACE_WITH_ORGANIZATION_NAME}/${REPLACE_WITH_PROJECT_NAME}/_workitems/edit/{{id}}'  

The above is an example for Azure DevOps, in case you have a different issue prefix and URL, update the issuePrefixes and issueUrlFormat under presetConfig

Important Note: be aware that it is a must to use "preset": "conventionalcommits" instead if "preset": "angular", check out the issue here

presetConfig not effecting anything · Issue #184 · semantic-release/release-notes-generator
*I've got a repo where i test and explore semantic-release plugins before they go into production repos. Recently spent…*

Happy Automation!

Written by: Kwinten
Node.js, JavaScript, Cloud computing, Serverless and more